require high school students to take a personal finance course to graduate.
“Survey of the States: 2022 Economics and Personal Finance Education in Our Nation’s Schools,” Council For Economic Education, 2022
Personal Finance
That’s the answer the majority of American young adults gave in a recent survey when asked which high school-level course would benefit them most.
“Financial Literacy Statistics,” National Financial Educators Council, Mar 2021
I sure wasn’t taught it in school. But my family and I can learn about it NOW!
According to the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, financial literacy means understanding how to earn, spend, save, manage, and invest money.
4.5 billion people is a lot of people to teach how money works. Bring it on!
70% Financial Literacy Failure Rate
In 2018, a global survey asked over 100,000 people in 15 different countries 3 simple questions about money concepts. 70% failed to answer all three basic questions correctly.
"The New Social Contract: A Blueprint For Retirement in the 2`1st Century—Aegon Retirement Readiness Survey 2018," Aegon—Center for Longevity and Retirement, May 2018
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